Our Calling
We are a local gathering of believers who want to help all people to experience a satisfying, significant, and intimate relationship with God. Our vision is to launch a movement of healthy disciple-making ministries across southwest Atlanta and around the world. This vision can only occur as we clearly know the marks of a Jesus-Follower, live out our values, and stay focused on the missional strategy that we believe flows out from God’s Word.
He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.
The Five Marks of a Disciple
Jesus offered a clear picture of the marks of a disciple in His exchange with His disciples just prior to His ascension in Matthew 28:16-20. In this passage, we discover the qualities of someone who has abandoned their life to follow Christ and live out His Great Commission.
Our Values
The heart and soul of our church – our cultural DNA, is based upon six core values and behaviors.

Biblical Teaching
We value living life according to God's never-changing truth in an ever-changing world.

Relational Community
We value sharing life in community with all people from every nation and generation.

Generous Giving
We value giving everything to the God who has given everything to us.

Authentic Worship
We value honoring God by loving Him with all that we are, have, and hope to become.

Missional Living
We value living on mission at home and abroad to serve others to experience God's love.

Spiritual Legacy
We value investing Jesus in us to others so they might experience God too.