Growing alongside other believers
GROW Groups are gatherings of up to 4-8 men or women who meet together to discuss what God has been showing and teaching them through the reading and contemplation of Scripture. We want this to be a time of encouragement with one another by providing insight and accountability in our shared journey of faith. When Jesus called the disciples to follow Him, He was calling them to a life of surrender and followship. He planned to lead them into genuine intimacy with the Father through His life and atoning sacrifice, then to release them into His Great Commission to transform the nations.
Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.
How GROW Groups Work
The power of this life2life community begins with a common focus on God's Word. Each member of a group will follow the same daily devotional plan to enable them to GROW. From there, the group meets together to share their insights and to encourage each other to live out Truth God has revealed to them.
The GROW Reading Strategy
The GROW Reading Strategy is intended to guide you through a simple, inductive process and progression of the Scriptures so you might understand and glean truth from the passages you are reading. In following this plan for Bible reading, you can anticipate learning how to identify the context and content of a particular passage, understand God’s intent within the context and experience God speaking directly into your life through the Bible as He brings revelation into the details of your life personally by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Grow Reading Strategy is made up of four simple steps:
As you read a passage, seek to understand the context and highlight any important verses, phrases, ideas, or words. Observe the who, what, where, why, when, and how questions.
Meditate and process the teaching of Scripture to understand its intent. Begin to discover the meaning of the text and God’s guiding principles for living.
Allow the Holy Spirit to personalize the teaching by revealing the truth and infusing it into your life so that it becomes a part of your life.
God speaks to us through His Word so that our faith might be activated into genuine followship. This is where we determine the practical step-by-step ways we can apply God’s revelation of truth into our lives – and then we DO it!
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
MATTHEW 28:17-19