Calling all Deaf, hearing, hard-of-hearing and Deafblind people!
Come Experience an Abundant Life Found Only in Jesus Christ.
We strive to help you encounter a deep personal relationship with the Lord, so that you may:
- Grow as a disciple of Jesus,
- Lead others to Christ, and
- Joyfully use your spiritual gifts to further the Kingdom of God.
Weekly Gatherings

LIFE Group
9:15 a.m. | Room 803

ASL Interpreted
Worship Service
11:00 a.m. | Worship Center
Want to participate in a Deaf choir, interpreter training program or sign language class? This is the place for you! We also enjoy fun outings, road trips to the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Conference of the Deaf, captioned Christian movies, foreign mission trips, and serving the Lord through the Georgia Baptist Conference of the Deaf.
To learn more about these opportunities to serve, classes, events, and
worship services, please email us at and you will
be added to the email list to receive the latest news.
“Sign”cerely His!
worship services, please email us at and you will
be added to the email list to receive the latest news.
“Sign”cerely His!