Looking to serve? We have a place for you!
Learn more about the opportunities to serve the wonderful children of First Kids.
Life Group Leaders serve each Sunday at 9:45 in an age-grade classroom. Their primary responsibilities are to prepare the Bible lesson using the provided curriculum and teach the Word in a way that engages and connects to the children. Life Group Leaders will be teaching the same age group each week. It is important to build strong relationships with the children and be intentional about reaching out to parents because the bond that is formed between Life Group Leaders and their children can make a lifetime of difference.
Largely Group Leaders lead the worship experience during the 11:00 hour. Using the provided scripts and programming pieces, the Large Group Leaders will lead worship, group interaction, games, and short teaching/application times that will provide the launch point for the lesson before the kids go into their small group time.
Small Group Leaders serve in the worship experience during the 11:00 hour. After large group time, the children will break out into smaller groups for discussion, application, and activities. The small group leader will lead these prepared activities to help the children apply the Bible lesson into their lives in memorable and meaningful ways.
Weekly Directors lead by supervising the programming elements of Sunday mornings. Directors will welcome new families and connect them with the proper places, make sure teachers have all the supplies needed for the day’s activities, coordinate the timing of transitions, monitor hallways, and make sure all safety and security procedures are being followed. Directors serve during the 9:45 or 11:00 hour.
Greeters are the first point of contact with our families each Sunday morning. Greeters make sure that our families are checked into our security system properly, welcome and register new families, connect new families to the Directors, and make sure all safety and security procedures are followed, especially during drop off and pick up times.
The Media Team manages the audio, video, and lighting needs for the worship experience during the 11:00 hour. The Media Team members can choose to commit to serve either weekly or on quarterly rotating basis.
Ministry Safe
All volunteers are required to successfully complete the First Kids volunteer application process before being allowed to interact with children. This process includes completing the volunteer application with references, completing a background check and passing the Ministry Safe training program.