208 WILLOWBEND ROAD | PEACHTREE CITY, GA 30269 | 770-487-8133

Step into the life God designed for you.

Set sail on a journey to discover the truths that steady your soul in every season of life. Anchored is a twelve-week teaching series designed to explore the core doctrines of the Christian faith—the unshakable truths that hold us fast when life’s waters grow uncertain. Each week, we’ll dive deep into scripture to answer the big questions: Who is God? Who is Jesus? Why is the Bible vital to our lives? What is the role of the Holy Spirit?

Like a ship secure in stormy seas, these foundational doctrines anchor us to God, offering clarity, confidence, and peace. Through daily scripture readings, engaging weekly teaching, focused music, and meaningful LIFE Group discussions, you’ll uncover the profound "why" behind your faith and how it guides your everyday living.

Join us for Anchored and discover the steadying power of God’s truth. Let these timeless doctrines ground your faith, shape your life, and equip you to navigate the seas ahead with purpose and hope. Don’t drift—drop anchor and hold fast!

Watch Now

Is the Bible Reliable?

Psalm 1:11-17, Isaiah 55:1-13 | Joey Rodgers
Can we trust the Bible? In a world filled with skepticism, Pastor Joey Rodgers explores the historical, archaeological, and prophetic evidence that confirms the Bible's reliability. More than just a book, Scripture is God’s living Word—perfect, trustworthy, and life-changing. Watch and discover why the Bible remains the foundation of our faith.

Anchored Messages

Step into God's Word Daily

Week 2





Hiding His Word In Your Heart

Psalm 119:1-32


The Promise of the Word

Psalm 119:33-64


The Eternal Truth of God

Psalm 119:65-96


A Lamp Unto My Feet

Psalm 119:97-136


Meditating on God's Promises

Psalm 119:137-176

Week 1





The Inspiration of God

2 Timothy 3:16-17
Psalm 1:1-6


Taste and See
the Word is Good

Psalm 19:7-14
Isaiah 55:1-13


The Sword of the Lord

Hebrews 4:11-13
Ephesians 6:10-17


Looking into
the Mirror of Truth

James 1:22-25
2 Timothy 2:15
Proverbs 4:20-23


Focused on
things Above

Joshua 1:7-9
1 Peter 2:1-2
2 Peter 1:12-21